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Why is my husband ignoring me so much? 10 Reasons and Tips to Avoid


Why is my husband ignoring me so much? 10 Reasons and Tips to Avoid

Why do I reject my husband so much?

To learn more about this (very common) problem, I turned to online advice meccas Quora and Reddit. If you have ever thought, “Why am I being neglected because of my husband?”, just wait a moment. We'll take a closer look at why and what to do soon. But first, let’s unravel a very touching confession from one person. Reddit user .

“My husband and I have fun together and respect each other,” she said. Unfortunately, as time goes by, I admit that I no longer find myself attracted to my husband. What he does in the bedroom no longer excites me. I am not aroused by his appearance. I don’t like that guy.”

Similar sentiments are spread all over the Internet (and among your friends and colleagues, too). In the complex world of relationships, losing lust (and love) can be unsettling and painful. So we asked Dr. Shefali Batra, MD, Psychiatry, a California-based psychiatrist and cognitive behavioral therapist who specializes in counseling for separation and divorce, breakups and dating, and premarital compatibility issues, explains the root causes of these phenomena and how to rekindle the dying flames. It explains whether there is a way to save it.

Why does my husband ignore me so much?


“What is happening to me? Why don’t I have feelings for my husband anymore?” If this is you, take a moment and step back. “The three main reasons for decreased attractiveness are:

Before you take any drastic action, let's take a look at online agreements and the possible reasons you might feel rejected by your spouse, compiled by our resident expert, Dr. Batra.

1. The routine is set.

Not every day can be a pleasant surprise full of romance and fun. Sexual attraction . Time passes. Both partners change. Daily life, to-do lists, and routines can lead to emotional disconnection.

Lack of spontaneity can ruin even the most passionate sexual relationship. As a result, irritation and anger may seep in. What's worse is that one of you (or both) starts looking for that fresh spark in the other.

2. Communication has worsened

study on communication and relationship satisfaction over time clearly indicates that “deteriorating communication can predict worsening future relationship satisfaction.”

Those early heady days of falling in love and wanting to spend every waking moment discussing each other's lives will naturally fade into something more normal and routine. This is nothing to worry about. What's worrying is that you and your partner rarely talk about important things anymore. Here is a checklist:

  • Do you feel a lack of emotional intimacy ?
  • When was the last time you two sat down and talked honestly and openly with each other?
  • Do you trust your partner enough to open up?

If your answer is “It’s taken me too long to do this,” it’s no surprise that attraction is waning. Healthy relationships require open communication to thrive and grow.

I'm completely turned off by my husband.
A lack of emotional intimacy in your relationship may make you feel rejected by your husband

3. You're not attracted to that person because the conflict keeps building up.

Research shows that “as the level of conflict increases, women’s attractiveness decreases.” Think about the last time you felt emotionally detached. Ask yourself if you still harbor resentment and anger from your spouse. Your answer may be the reason for the question: "Why am I so neglected because of my husband?"

These persistent patterns of behavior reduce intimacy between couples.

  • Unresolved conflicts that accumulate quickly
  • remaining arguments
  • Violent behavior ignored
  • Unmet expectations and constant criticism compound emotional detachment and subsequent lack of physical attraction.

4. Are you no longer in a relationship with your husband? See if your shared life becomes more stressful

A variety of factors can contribute to emotional detachment from your partner, including:

  • working pressure
  • personal stressors
  • addictive behavior
  • financial problems
  • poor mental health

Dr. Batra adds: “Lack of time can be a real concern, especially when your husband rejects you, but this alone is never the culprit. In addition to the first two points above, a lack of time spent together reduces the bonding hormone oxytocin, causing couples to drift further apart.”

Sexual desire and physical intimacy will then disappear from the equation. Finding a support system is essential for your marriage to last. There is no shame in seeking professional help to revive a problem. Emotional connection Sexual interest in marriage.

5. Changes in appearance can have a detrimental effect on attractiveness

We're not just talking about putting on a few pounds here and there or neglecting a few personal grooming sessions. If your regular complaints sound like things like, “My husband doesn’t care about my appearance at all,” your relationship may be affected, too.

Low self-esteem Changes caused by changes in appearance also affect an individual's behavior, creating a vicious cycle of disgust and disgust.

6. Constant dissatisfaction is a fundamental emotion in marriage

“When couples do not respect each other, attraction is greatly reduced. This means that they often experience and express differences and dislikes in rude ways such as arguments, doubts, aggressive communication, criticism, sarcasm, etc.,” explains Dr. Batra.

When I first met my husband, the world was my oyster. In the throes of their initial attraction, neither of them could do any wrong. Yes? As the years go by, you may feel cheated about what was promised and the actual results. These disappointments can be quite disruptive, both in and out of the bedroom.

It may be time to reevaluate your expectations, communicate with your spouse, and create healthy boundaries.

7. “I feel disconnected from my husband.” — Adding children can change this.

Ask any parent and they will confess that their children have literally had the rug pulled out from under their feet. Nothing prepares you for children. Sleepless nights, health problems, costs, family interference… The list goes on. All of this ultimately affects not only your sex life, but also the quality time you spend with each other.

“When a couple goes into ‘roommate mode’ where they have no desire to be there for the other person, there is a lack of interest,” says Dr. Batra. It does not nurture, nourish, or surprise the other with sweet treats that once meant something to both members. They don't feel the need to. “Make the other person feel special. And the inevitable question comes up again and again: Why is my husband so reluctant to me?”

Getting through this stage of your husband not being excited takes a joint effort and commitment to your mutual happiness. Without shared responsibility and open communication, sexual aversion can develop.

More information on marriage issues

8. Lack of trust and infidelity can lead to irreconcilable differences and emotional disconnection.

When infidelity ruins a relationship, it can seem impossible to move on and forget the trauma associated with it. Ask yourself if:

  • You no longer feel connected to your husband. The trust between the two was broken
  • Trust was damaged and doubt and suspicion permeated the relationship between the two men.
  • There is no longer a safe space to turn to, and you now look outside your partnership for the reassurance and stability you need.

Related Read: What He Thinks When You Ignore Him – 11 Surprising Revelations

9. People change

It is natural that both you and your husband will change over time. These changes may be reflected in aspects of physical appearance, sexual desires, shared interests, and even personal growth.

If your interests have diverged to the point where you can no longer find common ground in your relationship , it's not uncommon to feel rejected and find excuses for your partner to be offended.

10. There was no effort to keep the spark alive.

What came first? Disgust or lack of sex drive? Isn't that the eternal question? A study found that “relationship events affect physical attractiveness much more for women than for men. We believe that women are more sensitive to various events in relationships (e.g.

  • Communication intensity and quality
  • kiss more often
  • positive sexual experiences
  • Date night presence.”

All of these contribute to a woman's physical attractiveness to her partner. Therefore, for a relationship to develop, it is important to:

  • You admit that you lack a regular, healthy sexual desire.
  • Talk honestly about your needs for intimacy, sexual fantasies, and each other's appearance (“I miss the way you used to groom yourself regularly,” not “You're ugly.”)
  • Set expectations for loyalty and trust.
  • Consult with a licensed clinical social worker or seek professional guidance to help you manage this sensitive situation.

How to Attract Your Husband

“I was completely abandoned by my husband.”
“My husband rejects me sexually.”
“I no longer have feelings for my husband.”

These are valid feelings that don't just go away. You need to reflect and question your role in this situation in order to restore and restore emotional connection. Rejuvenate your relationship . Self-reflection also requires seeing things from your partner's perspective. If a situation is too difficult to handle independently, you may need the professional help of a family therapist.

Here are some practical steps you need to take to become attractive to your husband again:

1. Be honest with him

We know this is easier said than done. But if you really want to restart your sex life and restore the emotional distance between yourself and your partner, the first step is always open and honest communication. If something is bothering you to the point of disconnection, it's time to get it all out in the open. They may be related to:

  • his appearance
  • his lack of responsibility
  • His or your mental health
  • Your feelings of neglect and distrust

Conflict resolution can only occur when a mature dialogue begins between two people.

I have no feelings for my husband anymore.
Be honest about whatever is bothering you about that person.

2. Ask for help closing the sexual distance between you and your spouse

We've said it before, and we'll say it again. When it comes to improving your marriage , there's no shame in getting professional support to help you navigate the emotional minefield inherent in conflict resolution. Therapy also provides a safe space for both partners to air their frustrations openly. In such situations, a licensed counselor can be a necessary impartial third party.

3. Prioritize self-care

Mental health starts with yourself. When you suffer from anxiety or depression, it's nearly impossible to feel optimistic and loving toward your partner. Make time for self-care Prioritize your own needs. Here's why:

  • Managing your stress levels can help you create a more positive environment at home.
  • It will help restore some of the emotional instability plaguing your marriage
  • If you have medical conditions that affect your sex drive, you should also address these for your overall health.

4. Is your husband no longer excited? Revisit the good times

Remember why you fell in love in the first place. Rather than focusing on the negative energy of the present, do whatever it takes to bring back good memories. Try this:

  • Plan regular date nights
  • Spend time without kids
  • Plan a short break with him

It's time to make a conscious effort to remind yourself that you were once hopelessly in lust (and love) with your partner.

5. Adrenaline rushes

It may seem extreme, but seeking a little adventure can only benefit your relationship. In the classic study Arthur Aron found that couples who engage in new and stimulating activities report greater satisfaction with their relationships than couples who engage in mundane, safe pastimes.

When your relationship regularly brings out strong, positive emotions, it becomes trickier to take the other person for granted . The pursuit of pleasure is one way to remain attractive to your partner, and it usually has a ripple effect into other areas of your life.


  • Fluctuations in desire are normal in long-term relationships. However, persistent aversion to one's partner requires caution.
  • When good communication, trust, interesting routines, and date nights are lost, you may feel sexually disconnected from your partner.
  • In this situation, it is important to first identify your roles and responsibilities. You can then work to rekindle desire and attraction by listening to him, taking care of your own health, pursuing pleasure together, and getting back in touch with what made you two click in the first place.
  • Remember that this is a gradual process that requires honesty and communication, and may also require professional support.

If you've reached the point where your husband no longer excites you or everything he does repulses you, you need to understand the reasons behind these feelings. This may lead you on a journey of self-discovery. Asking the question, “Why am I so turned off by my husband?” and being honest and constructive about your feelings can help rekindle desire and attraction.

This is not the time for quick fixes or final ultimatums. Long-term relationships evolve and change over time, but with effort, patience, and the right support, your marriage has a greater chance of survival than you might imagine.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is it normal for my husband to ignore me?

Many romantic relationships thrive on spark and connection between couples. However, energy and power cannot flow 24/7. Attraction and passion are what bring two people together in the first place, but that doesn't always keep the spark alive. “It's not easy to stay 'on' all the time. But it’s really not right for your husband to ‘put it off’,” says Dr. Batra. The fact that your husband doesn't excite you is sometimes normal or temporary, but as our expert says, your spouse's rejection of you is concerning.

2. Can a marriage survive without desire?

It's possible with an asexual partner. Or maybe you got married because you enjoy each other's company a lot. But if neither of these scenarios apply, Dr. Batra says, “Marriage without desire becomes a transactional contract. Many couples do this for children, social or transactional reasons such as finances or convenience. “Such marriages last a long time. Sometimes people choose open relationships to soothe and satisfy themselves with alternative partners. But it would be good to keep the spark alive to make your marriage successful and rewarding. Because it will clarify your future and give you satisfaction and happiness.”

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