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10 scientific tips for kissing well

10 scientific tips for kissing well:

10 scientific tips for kissing well

People who have never kissed have no way of knowing what kissing is or feels like. For now, just learn how to kiss from this article. However, anyone who has ever tried it will know how much of an impact kissing has on feelings of love. After all, there are people who say they can't date a man (or woman) who can't kiss.

We introduce scientific methods for kissing well in a straightforward and straightforward manner. It is literally a scientific method. It is not a trivial kissing secret that the girl next door tells you, “I’ll only tell you,” or the guy next door tells you, “I told you when I was young,” that makes the hearts of the older guys in the neighborhood flutter.

scientific tips for kissing well

To be exact, it contains 3 methods only for women, 6 methods only for men, and 4 methods that should be commonly known (there are more tips for men). Once again, it is a methodology derived from scientific research.

So, if you want to maintain a relationship with someone you like, it would be a good idea to use more concentration during your first kiss than you did when taking the college entrance exam. Otherwise, you will experience the same despair as when you failed the college entrance exam.

Kissing also has positive effects on your health and career success. A study conducted in Germany in the 1980s found that men who kissed their wives before going to work lived an average of five years longer than those who did not. They also earned 20-30% more money and were 50% less likely to get into a car accident.

By the way, why do we kiss?

Kissing is a kind of test to find out whether the other person is a good (biologically) mate for you. When kissing, people mobilize all of their senses of smell, touch, and visual information. Through this, we unconsciously determine whether the other person is trustworthy and has strong genes. Of course, it's just a hypothesis, but it's quite convincing.

There are distinct differences between men and women when it comes to kissing.

First of all, kissing is much more important to women than men. Women consider kissing as an important criterion in deciding whether to maintain a long-term relationship with a man. It is also said that breath odor, teeth color, and kissing skill are evaluated before and even during sexual intercourse. Men, on the other hand, are less picky about kissing and are more interested in how pretty your face is and how good your body is. Men generally tend to view kissing as an intermediate step toward sexual intercourse.

How do I know who wants to kiss me?

First, let's get close enough to the other person to a distance that isn't too embarrassing and then look at their reaction. Whether your intentions are erotic, romantic, or otherwise, kissing the cheek or lips naturally requires penetrating into the other person's "private space." Of course, getting this close requires a very strong personal relationship and a relationship of trust.

Even better than this is the method suggested by pickup artist David DeAngelo. “First, make a gesture of gently adjusting her hair.” If a woman flinches, don't even dream of kissing her. If she responds okay, you can consider her 'green light'. It's a great way to touch a woman's heart without going overboard.

kissing tips for women:

William Kane, author of 『The Art of Kissing』 (the Korean version is titled 『I Want to Kiss Like This』) asked men what they were unhappy about when kissing a woman. Ladies, if you want to be remembered as a good kisser by men, know these tips.

1. Open your mouth a little more. 

William Kane's research found that men wanted 'wet kisses' that used more tongue.

2. Try more often first.

3. Use your tongue more aggressively and dominate the kiss more.

These three things can be summarized in one word. 

Kissing tips for men:

1. Don’t stick your tongue down a woman’s throat.
This is the most common complaint among women. You're kissing, not trying to plant an alien seed in your stomach.

2. Continue to listen to her breathing.
To put it bluntly, let her take a breather. You may not know it, but women enjoy and kiss better when they aren't being smothered.

3. Read carefully the way she kisses.
Match her rhythm. Move her tongue similarly to how she moves her tongue. It's okay to lead or be aggressive, but ignoring her reactions is the worst.

And it may sound obvious, but brush your teeth regularly and carry a mint candy with you. Hygiene is absolute. No matter how attractive a person is, if he or she is unclean, he or she cannot even get close to kissing. When women look at men, they tend to seriously consider taste, smell, and the cleanliness of teeth.


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