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How can a Russian citizen obtain a visa and residence permit in Cyprus in 2023?

How can a Russian citizen obtain a visa and residence permit in Cyprus in 2023?

How can a Russian citizen obtain a visa and residence permit in Cyprus in 2023

The sunny beaches of the Mediterranean Sea attract tourists from Russia with particular force. Having been here at least once, people sometimes think about permanently changing their main place of residence and moving to the Middle East. Having decided to take such a step and choosing, for example, Cyprus, you will understand that obtaining a residence permit in this country provides many advantages. In this article we will understand why and how to obtain a residence permit on the southern side of the island of Cyprus.

Advantages of a residence permit in Cyprus

There are three ways to gain a foothold in Cyprus:

  • Temporary residence permit (residence permit)
  • Permanent residence permit (PR)
  • Direct citizenship.

Nevertheless, the simplest, and, in most cases, the initial stage is a residence permit, so most of this article is devoted to obtaining this particular document.

 As we have already said, obtaining a residence permit in Cyprus opens up many opportunities. Here is a list of only the main advantages available to the owner of a residence permit in Cyprus:

  1. The right to move freely within the Schengen area for up to 90 days during each six-month period.
  2. Attractive tax conditions for investors and businessmen. As a residence permit holder, you will be able to enjoy tax benefits, including exemption from tax on income earned abroad, as well as reduced tax rates on business and real estate income.
  3. A residence permit entitles you to medical care in public and private medical institutions at the same rates as for citizens of Cyprus.
  4. Similarly, Cyprus residence permit holders can study in public schools and universities at the same prices as Cypriot citizens.
  5. After 7 years of residence in Cyprus, you will be eligible to apply for full citizenship.
  6. Cultural benefits. Cyprus is a culturally rich country with an ancient history, many museums, architectural and archaeological monuments. Cyprus is also widely known for its traditional holidays and festivals.

The most popular ways to obtain a residence permit:

Guest residence permit (Visitors Permit visa) Visitors Permit visa is a visa for foreign citizens who plan to stay in Cyprus from 90 days to 1 year. The visa is issued for single entry only and does not allow you to work in Cyprus. To obtain a visitor visa in Cyprus, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Fill out the form and provide the necessary documents to the visa center. The form can be filled out online on the official website of the Government of Cyprus.
  2. Pay the visa fee. For Visitors Permit visa it is €60.
  3. Schedule a visit to the Cyprus consulate in your country. Please note that when applying for a visa, you will be required to submit biometrics, that is, provide fingerprints and undergo an interview.
  4. Next, you need to confirm that you have sufficient financial means to live in Cyprus for the entire period of your stay.
  5. Finally, provide documents confirming the purpose of your visit - for example, an invitation from relatives, a hotel reservation or a rental agreement.
Typically, it takes from several days to several weeks to process a visa application. After this period, you will be notified of the decision.

But what does this visa give the holder, besides the immediate right to stay in Cyprus for up to one year?

  1. Firstly, tourism. Cyprus is a wonderful holiday destination, and the Visitors Permit visa gives you the opportunity to fully enjoy the sights and beauty of the island.
  2. If you want to attend language courses in Cyprus in parallel with your vacation, then this visa is an excellent solution; it will allow you to study at any educational institution in the country.
  3. You won't have to worry about renewing your visa every 90 days like you do with standard tourist visas.
  4. The Visitors Permit visa does not allow you to engage in any economic activity in Cyprus, but it does give you enough time to find a job and obtain the appropriate visa.

Residence permit for financially independent persons (Autonomus Visitor Permit):

Autonomous Visitor Permit is a visa for foreign nationals who plan to stay in Cyprus for 90 to 180 days a year. The main difference from a tourist visa is that your relatives (spouse and children) will be able to obtain a visa as dependents. In this case, it will be necessary to confirm the presence of stable income abroad: 2000 euros per month + 20% for the spouse and 15% for each of the children. In addition, you must have €10,000 in your Cyprus deposit account for each spouse and €5,000 for each minor child.

Residence permit for family members of a Cypriot citizen Visa:

Family members of cypriot citizen Visa is a visa intended for foreign citizens who are family members of Cypriot citizens and wish to live and work in Cyprus on an equal basis with citizens of this country. Such family members include spouses of Cypriot citizens, their children (including adopted children) and parents. This visa is issued for a period of up to 5 years and cannot be applied for online, unlike the previous two types of visas. Also, unlike the above visas, the Family members of cypriot citizen Visa gives the right to work in Cyprus. To obtain a Family members of cypriot citizen Visa in Cyprus, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Provide evidence of belonging to the family of a Cypriot citizen. This could be a marriage certificate, a child’s birth certificate, evidence of a relationship with a citizen of Cyprus, etc.
  2. Provide evidence that you have sufficient funds to live in Cyprus without using social programs.
  3. Provide evidence that you do not pose a threat to the national security of Cyprus.
  4. Provide evidence that you have no problems with the law and have not been convicted.
  5. Pay the visa fee and submit your visa application to the Cyprus Consulate in your country.

The family reunification program in Cyprus is one of the fastest in Europe, its completion can take from 2 to 6 months. However, immigration laws and requirements are subject to change and it is recommended that you contact specialist agencies or legal advisory firms for detailed information.

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